Great Post Workout Meals


Here is a list of great post work out meals:

Toasted whole wheat bagel with almond butter

Whole-wheat bagels are dense in calories and complex carbs, while almond butter is chalk-full of essential minerals like potassium, an electrolyte responsible for maintaining muscle contractions. Although fats should generally be avoided following exercise (since they slow absorption of other nutrients), monounsaturated fats like those found in almond butter are helpful in maintaining testosterone, a hormone essential to protein synthesis.

Hummus on a whole-grain pita

Made from chickpeas, hummus is an excellent source of both protein and carbs. Combine with a whole-grain pita for a complete post-workout punch.

Fruit smoothie

Liquid meals are easily digested, quickly absorbed and, most of all, convenient. To get the most out of your smoothie, blend together some whey protein, yogurt, skim or soy milk, a few high-GI fruits, like mangos and melons, and some bananas for their plentiful potassium.

Cereal and skim milk

Whole-grain cereals are now loaded with protein, carbs, and other important vitamins and minerals while milk is an easily digestible and complete source of both casein and whey protein.

Tuna and whole-wheat crackers

Tuna and whole wheat crackers are another great post-workout snack for men on the move. Tuna is low in fat but packed with protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. On the flip side, crackers are a crunchy source of energizing carbs. If you can, skip the mayo and opt for some fresh lemon juice, olive oil and a little mustard instead.

Chicken stir-fry

Chicken is an excellent source of lean protein and other important nutrients like niacin, a B vitamin essential to carbohydrate metabolism. And although brown rice is generally a healthier option than white, after a workout, you actually want to switch to foods with a high glycemic index (GI). These foods will replenish your muscles with glucose more rapidly, so try pairing your stir-fry with white rice instead of brown. Add steamed veggies for additional flavor and nutrients.

Egg white and spinach omelet

Egg protein is considered to be the most readily utilizable protein with the highest biological value of all whole foods. This means that the protein in eggs is used most efficiently for growth by the body. As one of the most alkaline foods, spinach is loaded with iron and phytoecdysteroids, a form of plant steroids which have recently been shown to speed human muscle growth. So mix up some egg whites, milk and spinach, and make yourself an omelet.

Salmon, mashed potatoes and salad

Like tuna, salmon is another nutritionally powerful fish packed full of protein and omega-3s. Pairing salmon with a side of mashed potatoes, which are high on the GI, will balance your fish with a hearty serving of glucose-giving carbs.

Dried fruits and nuts

You’ll get a healthy dose of protein from your nuts, plus you’ll get a quick injection of simple carbohydrates from your dried fruits. Simple carbs are easy to digest and will replenish your muscle glycogen quicker than complex carbs, making this simple snack a top post-workout food.

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