

Hardgainers – the ones who have genetics to be built like a skinny person.

For them, gaining weight is hard. Sometimes it may even seem impossible.

In this case, these individuals will have to make some dramatic changes to their workout and diet program.

These are the steps they should follow.

1. Only perform core lifts in the workout, with maybe 1-2 isolated exercises, if that.
2. Ensure gym sessions are no longer than forty five minutes. If you can’t get it done in that time frame, you’re not doing something right.
3. Limit cardio to simple walking – that will be enough for cardiovascular benefits.
4. Eat more food. When you’re full, eat just a little more for good measure.
5. Blend your vegetables – they have just too much volume and take up too much room in the stomach.
6. Be sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep a night – this is when growth hormone is at its highest.
7. Avoid excess stress – cortisol is a killer of muscle building.
8. Be sure you are taking weeks off from the gym entirely – overtraining will stop muscle building immediately.
9. Be patient – Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will your muscles be.
10. Stay focused – if you give up after only a month of training, you certainly aren’t going to see results. Accept it will be harder for you and strive to push yourself that much more.

So, next time you start thinking you’re genetically destined to be skinny, think again.

In most cases, it isn’t genetics at all.

In the cases it is, then you just need to follow the steps above and results will come in time.

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