Who Profits from Sickness and Disease?


Unfortunately, every industry fights for survival in our economy, even if it only offers products or services based on sickness and disease. And for many of these industries, the real financial windfall only occurs when the population is kept in a state of ongoing chronic disease.

A healthy population means disaster for these industries.

Here are some of the big ones:

The Mainstream Media – The MSM, meanwhile, depends on the advertising dollars of drug companies, soda companies and junk food companies to keep its own financial lifeline intact. If junk food and pharmaceutical advertising were both banned, the media would suffer enormous losses in ad revenues. It’s all those nutritionally worthless, disease-promoting products that keep the MSM in business! Remember, the MSM is in the business of “junk food news,” meaning they produce a “diet” of junk news for human consumption.

The Health Insurance Industry – This industry realizes huge financial gains from sickness and disease. The more people are sick, the higher the insurance premiums (and the more profit is mathematically built in). Furthermore, the more people get sick, the more they feel they need to buy insurance, so more disease inevitably leads to higher revenues across the health insurance industry.

Junk Food Retailers – This includes your local grocery store, by the way, which is stacked to the hilt with processed, disease-causing junk foods. It’s the same story with Costco or Sam’s Clubs. Wal-Mart and even local pharmacies are also chock full of disease-promoting junk foods that nutritionists know are linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, kidney stones, depression and many other problems. But selling junk food is big business and grocery stores aren’t about to restrict the products they sell just because they happen to promote disease. Pharmacies still sell cigarettes!

The Pharmaceutical Industry – Big Pharma would lose a fortune if the population got healthy with nutrition. It sells billions of dollars worth of drugs every year and depends on disease to sell them. All the pharmacies that retail those drugs would also go out of business: CVS, Walgreen, Wal-Mart, Safeway, etc.

The Medical Industry – All those hospitals, doctors’ offices and emergency rooms also depend on a steady stream of diseased, malnourished Americans to guarantee their job security and incomes. A drop in disease would mean the rapid downsizing of hospitals and clinics.

The Food & Agriculture Giants – The Big Food and Big Ag companies bet their profits on the continued purchasing of processed, nutritionally-depleted food and beverage products that directly contribute to degenerative disease. High-Fructose Corn Syrup, for example, is a very profitable ingredient to use in processed foods. Never mind the fact that it promotes diabetes and obesity… it’s cheaper than sugar!

Disease Non-Profits – Never forget how much money is collected by the disease non-profit groups like the American Cancer Society. These “rich” non-profits depend entirely on the continuation of their sponsored disease in order to stay in power. In a world without cancer (to reference G. Edward Griffin’s book title), there’s no need for the ACS. Nor for the Susan Komen cancer group with all its ridiculous pink ribbons that pretend we can all cure cancer by going shopping. For every significant disease affecting the western world today, there’s an associated disease group depending on that disease for its own survival.

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4 thoughts on “Who Profits from Sickness and Disease?

  1. My Tia Maria has lung cancer. She told me when she was young doctors told her it was healthy to smoke. Dios!

  2. My cousin Saul is world reknowned oncologist Paco. We can treat your Aunt with radiation, chemotherapy and radical surgery. Do you have medical insurance?

  3. My Tia doesn’t even have her green card Dr. Fishman. Please help my Tia. My family will borrow 70,000 dollars from the bank.

  4. Nice sob story kid. Why don’t you pay me a 1000 dollars a head to bring the rest of your family ovre the border in my bitchin’ Ford truck?

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