“I train myself to win Gold medals, I expect nothing less then the best when I train my clients.”
It all up to people to investigate and see which trainer suits their purpose.
A good trainer will have a mix of education and hands on experience. The hands on experience is vital when looking for a quality trainer. Its like going to a mechanic. Would you prefer someone who is inexperienced working on your car. Or someone who can work on your car with their eyes closed?
Its not where you train, its how you train.
He or she doesn’t need to own a massive studio, gym or run a large boot camp either. I have meet and trained with people in their own house or garage. It was not a matter of what they had, but a matter of what they had to offer.
Most importantly it all comes down to educating yourself when going with a trainer. Once you pick a trainer its pretty hard letting go. Its almost comparable to a marriage. You intrust in them, and promises will be made. Sometimes even a contract is signed or agreed upon.
Bottom line:
“Make sure you choose wisely. It can change your life.”