12 thoughts on “Corona Song

  1. click on jakes name for all seeing eye protection

    see the satellite..#4 joe dunford marine corps Generals eye in the sky? .Ned has to be the leader with a phone camera on clear blue days playing in the alley….so help me get our phones hooked up..i think i know australia number…rainy days, cloudy days no playing outside un watched

  2. there is no danger, only safety in numbers…don’t leave me on the social media troll dump…make my Madonna website where i can control the comments…Joe & Bruno u brave son of a guns

    Psalm 91. Whoever goes to the LORD for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, can say to him, “You are my defender and protector. You are my God; in you I trust.”

  3. John 20:19…this is u and me Ned…we are the new Jewish leaders…SHALOM, turn the other cheek for Beirut bomb…it’s not the poors Jews fault, just the rich as a pig Jewish banker master of money, Moses & Aron were brothers in the desert

    On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”

  4. Jihad means STRUGGLE not holy war:

    struggle to quit smoking…or struggle to get everyone an equal wage

    David Rockefeller the “Titan”….Prometheus/Atlas statue killed his own son, like Dune Mahdi’s prophecy

  5. Garbage man’s time is worth just as much as a banker’s time, but a banker doesn’t create anything but debt….if garbage men striked the city would get Black, Bubonic rat plague…a third of us would die

    Bro, if Billy Toro & your Van Tech friend, Dominic Ferraro went on strike the whole city would collapse, if the lawyers, bankers & Doctors went on strike we would be rich, healthy and free of constant tickets and fines for breaking Rockerfeller drug laws

  6. the simpsons had a world without lawyers, everyone was holding hands singing we are the world under a rainbow, without Lionel Hutz

    U Men at Work tell the Dr. Dick Cockafeller story to your union & threaten a trash strike across Canada, until we get an equal time based wage…Trudeau mr white raven, black face man will crumble

    CLICK ON MY NAME beside avatar & let Jimmmy Hoffa guide u

  7. So it’s YOOKEECH…not JEWkick…your name is like a drug, Jukic brothers…i’m addicted to your revelation, i have the prophecy memorized…they were planning to bomb my Kabbalah center in 2010…third NYC terror attack…but Joe took out bin laden with a marked IN GOD WE TRUST dollar for Lourdes

    [Verse 1]
    When did your name change from a word to a charm?
    No other sound makes the hair stand up on the back of my arm
    All of the letters push to the front of my mouth and saying your name
    Is somewhere between a prayer and a shout
    And I can’t get it out
    When did your name change from language to magic?
    I’d write it again off the back of my hand and I know it sounds tragic

  8. Gnomeo and Juliet forbidden love story goes like this Jukix

    Joe was a red (communist) country i was a blue blood (capitalist) country…in elementary school. then in high school i was a CRIP (blue) & joe was a blood (red)

    now joe picked Donald Trump (red) while i wanted Hillary (Blue)

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