Running shoes are for running, not for Deadlifting


Most running shoes are shock-absorbers with air or gel-filling. Their soles compress to absorb impact forces when you run. This can be helpful for running, but not for Deadlifting. Running shoes will compress when you Deadlift. And they’ll compress differently on every rep. You can’t control or predict where the bar goes. Your form is inconsistent which increases the risk of injury. Test the difference by taking your running shoes off and Deadlifting a set barefoot. You’ll instantly have better bar control because you removed the compressible sole between your feet and the floor. You’ll have better Deadlift form because the bar moves the same way on each rep. Better form increases the effectiveness of the movement. It increases your Deadlift while decreasing the risk of lower back injury. The best shoes for Deadlifts have soles that don’t compress under the weight. Hard soles that behave the same way on each rep so you control where the bar goes. Flat soles that put you close to the floor to decrease the distance you pull the bar to lockout. Soles with great traction so your feet don’t slip. To solve this problem get your hands on a pair of Olympic Weight Lifting Shoes.

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