Recovering from lower back pain


In the large majority of the lower back pain cases, the pain is the result of a strained muscle, poor posture or improper lifting. In most of these situations, there are plenty of options in home remedies that can ease the pain and get you back on your feet, enjoying your daily activities. If your lower back pain is caused by an injury of some sort, it is best to apply ice to the affected area every few hours for the first day or two. You can then replace the ice with a heating pad every few hours until the pain subsides. You can also take an over the counter pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve the discomfort. Ibuprofen has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a good choice in pain relievers for lower back pain.

Rest can also help to relieve lower back pain, as long as it is only done for a day or two. Most medical experts will agree that the quickest way to heal a back is by getting back in action as quickly as possible. Continue to take over the counter pain medicine as needed to allow you to resume your daily activities. Walking is a good exercise to get your back in shape without putting undue strain on it.

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