Author: Marlene Mitri
1. You have to work around everyone else.
2. If your location is bad, your business will be bad.
3. People are really unreliable.
4. People are lazy and don’t want to change their bodies.
5. People are tight and would rather spend there money on the weekend drinking, doing drugs and smoking cigarettes.
6. You are better off working a nine to five job.
7. Everyone want to train for free and pay peanuts for your services.
8. They feel like the trainer is 100% responsible for lack of results, while they are the ones not following the guidance of the trainer and eating whatever they want.
9. People approach you to talk about your business and than act keen on training, but than never end up training.
10. If you work for fitness first they charge you $300 and more for rent a week depending on what area you are working out of.
11. Personal Training certificate out of AIF is very easy to attain.