What you should be looking for in a healthy long term diet.
• Consists primarily of fresh, unprocessed plants (fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds) which can be made into a variety of delicious recipes (raw food chefs are especially good at this craft).
• Minimizes consumption of meat or animal products (including dairy).
• Avoids virtually all processed, manufactured foods and beverages, or only uses them sparingly.
• Consists of a wide variety of different foods so that phytonutrient diversity is high, providing consumers with a steady supply of plant-based medicine that prevents disease.
• Includes substantial time outdoors, in nature, where vitamin D can be created and stored in the body.
• Minimizes or eliminates all refined sugars and carbohydrates (like white flour).
• Eliminates GMOs from the food supply in order to avoid the health damage caused by GM foods.
• Minimizes consumption of foods sprayed with chemical pesticides or fungicides. This not only helps prevent disease caused by such chemicals; it also protects the environment from chemical contamination.
• Incorporates adequate hydration from clean water (while avoiding dubious liquids such as sodas and sports drinks).
• Includes nutritional supplementation to correct nutritional imbalances or deficiencies. (This can be accomplished through superfoods, food-based vitamins, etc.)
Shutup with your pinche comments bendaho
U think I’m gonna scarf fruits and vegetables you rodent? BEER BRO. pizza. cigarettes. coffee. These are foods the body needs.
Do you crave these foods Moniz? is it an addiction?